Saturday, February 5, 2011

Knewton GMAT( Free Practice test) : 660( QA 47, VA 33) ... Not that impressed

As I have thoroughly practiced OG 12 and GMAT verbal review, It is time to dig into some actual tests. After MGMAT 1, this Knewton CAT was my second test. Although the score is way below my target score, I still managed to take some positives out of the exam. First, I was finally able to attempt all questions in VA and QA. Infact I managed to finish the two sections before time. Second, the number of mistakes in QA decreased. Last, I came across a potential weak area, which I have to address before the big day.
Before I get into further details, I need to list the stats:
VA : 41 questions ( 30 correct, 11 wrong(6 RC, 4 SC, 1 CR))   : Score :- 33 (66 percentile)
QA: 37 questions (33 correct, 4 wrong):  Score:- 47 (86 Percentile)

In VA, the biggest culprit was reading comprehension. The passages were very long and a bit abstruse. I am generally good at RCs but in the Knewton tests, the RCs had some extra bite.Nevertheless, post analysis, I realized that most of the errors were because of inadequate comprehension of the passage. One should be able to logically link all the paragraphs together. In my case, I tend to read through the para in a hurry. And if the paragraph is a bit confusing, I loose the plot. This create a 'reasoning void' which haunts me in inference based questions.
As far as the Sentence correction questions are concerned, I got 4 wrong out of 15. that is roughly 70% accuracy.  I know it is not enough and anything less than 80-85% is not acceptable. But again, it is an adaptive test. You never know what kind of difficulty level will be there in the exam. Hence, the idea is to prepare myself for the the toughest questions.
CR section was below par. The questions were comparatively easy and in no way up to the 700- 800 mark. Except one silly mistake, I got them all right.
As far as the QA section is concerned, the questions were not very tough (MGMAT quant section was very tough). I finished the section with 5 minutes to spare and got 4 question wrong.
After finishing the test and detailed analysis, I came to a conclusion that Knewton test has a 'not so perfect' scoring algorithm. Afterall how can anyone get just 87% if he makes just 4 mistakes. Moreover, the explanations and data analysis of the test were nowhere close to MGMAT. Infact, If someone has less time on their hand,i would not recommend him to take the test.

Anyways, as my eyes start to close , it is time to sign off.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Reds

Lot has happened in English Premier League during the January transfer season for Liverpool. First, after lot of speculation and yes-nos, King Kenny managed to buy Suarez from Ajax for some $30 million. Then, El Nino dropped a bomb. He wanted out of Liverpool. Everybody was shocked, specially the fans. Despite being a foreigner, they had loved him and given him that special position in their heart. Apparently, Torres felt that Liverpool is not performing consistently enough for him to stay. After all, Liverpool neither qualified for Champions League nor seem like making the top 4 in EPL this year. Torres, arguably the best finisher in the game, wanted to win cups( read Champions league, EPL) and contribute to a team that is performing. Hence, IMHO, he left liverpool. Kenny wanted him to stay but later on let him go with a royal snub " Nobody is bigger than the club. If someone believes that then that person is delusional".  Btw, Liverpool's bank account swelled by some $ 65 million.
But, as they say in hindi " picture abhi baki hai mere dost"( the show is not over yet, my friend), Kenny managed to buy Andy Carroll from Newcastle United for some $42 million. It is an outrageous amount for a 22 year old, but Liverpool desperately needed an extra striker. In the first place, Suarez was bought in to support Torres in the front. But as Torres left, King Kenny vouched for Carroll, who in his brief stint at Newcastle has shown signs of brilliance. So finally, with Suarez and Carroll in front, Liverpool is looking much better. I just hope that we make it to top 4 this season.