Monday, November 29, 2010


I have been thinking about putting my thoughts in words for a while now.
As I start preparing myself for the MBA application, I think this is the time to write and keep a track of what is going on. Maybe the blog will keep me on my toes and save me from that evil word : procrastination.( i might just have killed my blog before it even started). So here it goes.....

Education : Engineer, Top 10 engineering School, India.
Profession: Consultant, Technology Consulting ( more than 3 years)
Some good academic performances but nothing extraordinary when you compare with the Indian Applicant pool.

The past three years have been very different. Every year the definition of an MBA degree and my expectations from it changed. Initially it was about getting an MBA because one needs lot of Money( it has not changed much ;)) and escaping from Job life for 2 more years. But, things have changed since then.
Let me list the reasons:

1. I am not that moved my all the circuits and transistors but yes how Walmart manages the most efficient supply chain interests me a lot. Hence, I think I am made for the business world.
2.  There is more to education than just a degree. The Indian way of education is exhaustive to say the least but not that innovative. What ever we study should be practically applied then and there to show us the real impact. US education, especially the US B schools do that. Hence US MBA.
 3. Life is about experiences and diversity ( I do not need to explain this one in detail, I suppose)

There are other points also but I  believe the most essential part is to realize that this super glamorized degree is actually a very good opportunity to explore oneself and get answers to those difficult questions.
Well my journey will start with a GMAT exam.  so it is time to prepare.....


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