Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Ice Breaker: What is life all about?

Yesterday, I gave my first ever speech 'The Ice Breaker' at East Delhi Toastmasters. The objectives of the speech were to identify my public speaking abilities and introduce myself to the club members. So here it goes.....
What is life all about? Is it about money, friendship, family, fame , success or love? It is a very cliched question ..right? All of us have asked ourselves this question one time or the other, but maybe never came up with a convincing answer.
When I was a kid, life was about chocolates, video games and cricket. I did not know what success and failure are. I did not understand why people fight. I had no idea what religion means. I was just worried about my chocolates. If i did not get one, I used to cry and my mother gave me one immediately. So friends, during my childhood, life was all about innocence, fun and yes chocolates.
As I grew up, things got a little bit serious. Something called studies came in my life. I was told that you have to study to succeed in your life. So I studied. I was the topper of class 10th board exams and managed to get into one of the best engineering colleges in India. For some time life was about studying, working hard, knowing my potential and tasting success. The success helped a lot because if you succeed you start believing in yourself and your confidence rises. As you get confident, you aim to achieve tougher goals and work harder towards them. So, before engineering, Life was as much about inculcating the ethos of discipline and hard work as it was about knowing my potential.
Then came my engineering days, the super awesome engineering days. Suddenly, life was about everything except studies. Life was about music.. the Iron Maidens... the Led Zeppelins... the Pink Floyds...and many more. Life was about reading. I read about my country, world politics, religion, human rights and successful businesses. I also got involved in clubs and societies, organized various events, arranged sponsorships, took care of publicity and managed a team of more than 100 volunteers. Life was also about a girlfriend, although it was 'one way traffic' for most of the time but it was wonderful. So friends, during my engineering days, Life was about exploring myself, developing my personality, knowing about the world and discovering love.
Post engineering, I got placed in one of the biggest professional services firms as a consultant. So now life was about earning a livelihood. Some people told me that job life is not at all good because you have to work for somebody and take orders. But I loved my job. I was working with the best of people and in a competitive environment. I was challenging myself so it was fun. It was even more fun because I was independent. I was earning my own money. When you earn your own money, you can spend it where ever you want to. And I spend it on my passions. I love traveling. I traveled across the Indian state of Rajsthan in my car, covering more than 2500 kilometers in 4 days. I have traveled to Nanital once, Amritsar twice and was recently in Goa. I follow my favorite football teams Liverpool and FC Barelona with all my heart. You can find me in sports bar on the weekends cheering the Reds. So life was all about working hard and partying harder. Life was about following my passion and keeping things lively.
During these four periods, Life was about different things. So what is life really about? I will tell you... Life is about new experiences. It is about meeting new people, doing new things and experiencing new cultures. Why is that so important? It is important because every new experience leaves an imprint on us, molds us, changes us and adds a new dimension to our lives. There is no absolute way to do things. There are many!! we will know about them only if  we are receptive to change and new ideas. That is why Life is all about new experiences.
So friends, life is not about getting up every morning and going to office, doing your job and coming back home. It is not a new experience.
Try going to country side, where there is no pollution. Gaze in the clear night sky, you will see the Milky way. It looks like a white sheet spanning across the black sky. Thats a new experience.
Stand on the sea beach with naked feet and let waves flow through your legs. As the waves recede, feel the sand escaping beneath your feet as you sink further in the sand. That is a new experience.
Travel thousands of kilometers across the Thar desert and feel the happiest when an Indian Army soldier on India- Pakistan border greets you with passion because very few Indians actually go there. That is a new experience.
And last but not the least, Standing here in East Delhi Toastmasters giving my first ever Ice Breaker. That is a new experience.

Thank you

As I ended my speech, everybody stood up and applauded. This is a tradition at Toastmasters. When you give your first speech, the whole club gives you a standing ovation. I am proud to be part of East Delhi Toastmasters. The mutual respect and caring nature of the members is commendable.

Looking forward to the next meeting on Friday.


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