Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Indian Razai : Motivation killer

2011 has started to role on and its already 4 days old!! Along with New Year resolutions and new found optimism, 2011 brought the super lazy winters. Last 3 days have been excruciatingly tough. Maximum of 13-16 degree Celsius and minimum of 3 degrees!! I do not mind the winters, in fact I love them. But there is one more angle to all this chill. We Indians have these ultra warm bed quilts called 'Razais' which are made by stuffing cotton wool inside cotton or silk sheets. North India's winters and the Great Indian Razai are a pair made in heaven. . These razais are so comfortable and cozy  that once you are inside one of these it is almost impossible to come out.
Everyday after dinner, I decide to study for my GMAT. I get into my room and open my laptop.  After sometime, I feel the chill setting in my legs and hence very innocently decide to cover my legs with the Razai. At this moment, I am firmly in control and working on problems. But gradually, the magic sets in. I involuntarily start sinking deeper and deeper into the quilt. Such is the innocuous nature of the quilt that within the 20-30 minutes, I find myself completely wrapped inside the Razai and that too half asleep!!!
Many of you might think that I am a lazy ass but you have to experience the comfort to believe me. But as they say - 'where there is a will there is a way', I have decided to conquer the winters and shun the coziness of my beloved Razai. From now on, No more excuses and no procrastination. If I do it again, I will blog about it. Maybe, the shame of posting my helplessness will motivate me to focus.
Btw, Maths Review is done. Brushed up my concepts of Mean, Median, Mode, Ranges etc..... revised some probability and geometry formulas.  Now, I need to give that OG12 Diagnostic test.  I want to treat the test as my first reality check and then build from there. I am kind of hoping that I do well, will be a good omen. After all we all need some little victories to conquer the Beast.......
Just a passing thought to share my optimism:
Keep on Dreaming everybody .......... It shows that you are alive and kicking ......

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