Friday, December 31, 2010

Last post of 2010 : Looking back and much more

It is already 6:30, another five and a half hour left in 2010, and I am still in office.  Not much work to do but I have to sit here for an hour( In Indian work environment, this is a normal scene), so why not look back at my experiences, especially the MBA story.

I prefer to write about my MBA story because I think it is essentially a very important step and a very logical one too. It is essentially about what you wanna do in life. What excites you. What makes you try harder if  you fail once. These are not easy questions to answer but the answers do come with time. Our experiences tell us what should be done. There will always be people who will tell you this one thing is the best thing to do or this is something which should be avoided at all cost. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM, jump in the water, face the music and experience yourself what its actually like. THEN DECIDE. In my case I had tough time facing the music, but once I came out of the 'Do not Know what to do' phase, I knew exactly what I want.

Once you know what you want, then it is about hard work and focus. I want an MBA degree and I have been focused on it for a while now. The first hurdle is always the GMAT. The exam is a necessity. It can harm your application but do not assume that if you ace the exam you are through. The GMAT should not be a limitation. When I am focusing on my application, I should not worry about my GMAT score and think for even a split second that GMAT is the reason why I might not be able to go to School X. That is what I trying to achieve here.

I have finished OG 12 and results are as follows:
RC: accuracy of 90%. This is my strongest section in Verbal and I intend to strengthen it further.
CR: Accuracy of 87%. I can handle these. But time management is an issue. I have to make sure that I finish each question in less than 2 minutes.
SC: 77% accuracy. My weakest section .Both in accuracy and speed. I am a non native speaker. But English is my second language and I ought to improve my performance.
You might be thinking why haven't I mentioned Quant score. The thing is I know I can HANDLE quant and can achieve a score of 51 IF I maintain discipline during the exam.
I am aiming a score of 750+. Therefore, I need that 51 in Quant for sure and anything less than 40 in Verbal will be a deal breaker. Keeping my current accuracy and speed in mind, I need to buckle up and practice more.

So the Plan for 2011 is -
Give the OG12 diagnostic test. Check for speed and accuracy. Get a reality check of my Quant. Do I still have the 'Touch' ?
Get Manhattan GMAT Tests. Practice them for endurance.
Review OG12 SC questions. SC is all about 8 different problem types( modifiers, tenses, agreement, style, idiom, Pronouns, comparisons, Active/passive) , review makes it easy to recall concepts in crunch times.
Focus on Official Guide GMAT Verbal Review. Nothing is better than actual GMAT questions.
Dig into the awesome material available at GMATCLUB and beattheGmat.
Check for speed in each and every question I attempt. (There are good timers available on Gmatclub)

So this was a little review of what I have done and what I intend to do on the GMAT front.


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