Wednesday, December 22, 2010

BSOD ( blue screen of Death)

Murphy's law personified. My dear old creaking office laptop finally gave way. It happened last sunday evening when I was checking the EPL schedule ( no need to blame the beautiful game) and suddenly  the Blue screen appeared. Initially, I was not perturbed. This was a normal thing on my Dell D620. I thought, I just need to force shutdown the system, restart and we should be back in business. But this time, We went out of business. The dreaded machine said : NTOSKRNL.exe does not exist, Contact technical support. I searched on the net and realized my windows has been corrupted and that means re installation. So, First thing in the morning, visit the office in gurgaon.
Reached office at 11 a.m. The moment I showed the message to IT helpdesk, the guy gave me that ' ohh boy..its all over' look and told me that the laptop needs formatting and it is quite possible that no data would be recovered. Here I need to elaborate, the real culprit here is the encryption software installed on the machine which just does not allow the user to uninstall windows without uninstalling the encryption tool. And the encryption software itself can lead to data loss if not uninstalled properly.  In short, the software that is supposed to prevent data loss is actually causing it!!!. Ironic indeed.
The Murphy's Law prevailed. Total loss of data. After some discussions and arguments with IT team, it was understood that nothing could be done apart from issuing me a new laptop. Yes a new laptop. I had heard that the firm is issuing new 13 inch Lenovo ThinkPads which are half the weight of those DELL D620s. So am I going to get a new one or a second hand D620? Then came the sleek, black and definitely smaller ThinkPad. With 3 GB RAM, 300 GB hard disk & i5 processor, the 'little' Thinkpad X201 is a substantial improvement. Though the font looked smaller and a rather unconventional position of Ctrl key will take time to adjust but I admire my new Laptop.
So here it was.. within a span of 24 hours, windows crashed, all data lost and new laptop issued. A lot can happen in one day !!!

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