Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why do I need a title every time I blog?

Work in progress. Yes. Started with the OG 12th edition. The GMAT verbal requires the test taker to answer 41 questions in 75 minutes. That is less than 2 minutes a question. This is where I struggle. I generally achieve good accuracy but I lack speed . That is why, I am taking each sitting on OG as an actual test. Till now, not much trouble in CR and RC but I am still not very comfortable on the SC side. I guess it is still early days, I am hoping that more practice will fine tune my SC skills.
Talking about practice, I came across Grockit, a very cool website to practice GMAT sectionals. Apart  from Grockit, there are some free tests listed on beatthegmat( Manhattan, Kaplan, Knewton, Princeton, Veritas Prep). I will get my hands on them once I complete OG.
Anyways, got a call from a ex colleague. He has also decided to apply to US bschools next year. He went to the Darden coffee chat this Saturday and briefed me on that. Apart from the MBA Gyan ( read knowledge), we discussed the merit of joining an NGO and its overall impact on the application. Infact, the current Darden student, whom my friend met at the coffee chat, had not done any community service. This raises a very pertinent question. Is community service a real parameter to decide a worthy candidate? Especially in a country like India, where we do not have a very strong volunteering culture. In US schools it is compulsory for kids to contribute to the community. Hence it makes sense. I think it has more to do with the cultural aspect of a region. It is not that Indians are apathetic, it is just that we do not have a set structure in place for general public to get involved in social initiatives. Yes, now the things are changing. We have these NGOs coming up everywhere( a bit too many for my liking. it sometimes feels as if everyone has left his jobs and decided to pursue non profit career). But on a serious note, I believe community involvement is very good way for people to really make an impact and most importantly it is a very humbling experience.
On the football front, Liverpool lost to Newcastle United (1-3) last night :(  . Gerrard, Carragher and Joe Cole are still injured, Torres is still struggling and I do not know what Lucas is doing in the team (you can't find him on the pitch). Well, Roy Hodgson has been promised lot of dollars for January transfer season. So I hope Liverpool will make some good purchases.

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