Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Game Plan & The Evaluation Tool

Three days of silence on the blog. Culprit: A long weekend and not much study. I really felt guilty to miss out on 2 days( I think the blog is working... It is pushing me to study so that I can blog about my progress). So here it goes...

On the forums I found some good review of the MBA prep strategy book Your MBA Game Plan. Immediately searched for it on the net and was able to find a Google e book!! ( I love Google). Well the book is a bit old (2003 edition) but core foundations for producing a stellar application have not changed much with time. Apart from listing the essential traits of a Good MBA applicant, the book delves into profession( Consultants, Bankers, Marketers, etc) wise specific approaches and warns about general stereotyping that occurs because of the number of 'identical' applications. There are also college specific tips and strategies( though quite old ..2003 stuff) coupled with preparation chart to keep a track of your preparation. The most important of the all the tips is to differentiate yourself by your personal stories, individual accomplishment, likes, dislikes and most importantly your passion. The book categorically warns the applicant from asking for too many essay reviews or committing to too much editing. That just erases the personal feel of the essay and hence makes it 'just like the others'.  The book also advises the applicant to start early and keep room for contingency plan such as retaking the GMAT, changing your evaluators and even school choices. All in all, it is a good read. I would recommend the book to anyone starting the MBA preparation.

The forums have treated me pretty generously these days. Today, one of the members shared a link specifically listing the chances for engineers to get into Top B schools. It is quite a neat tool (if not perfect) to gauge one's current status and weak areas. Like in my case, I need to work on my essays, resume and Community involvement  and many more. Quite an eye opener I must say, but I am ready for the challenge.

GMAT preparation is not going as per plans. I am still studying the Manhattan GMAT SC book. Need to tighten the screws. Target is next two days, then I will move to Official Guide 12th edition

By the way, On Sport Center saw an Englishman who cycled from London to Brisbane to see the Ashes. He traveled for more than a year and covered more than 25k kilometers. What a Feat man !!!

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